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Protocol & Policies

Office Protocol

1. All clients must wear a mast while inside our office building and offices. If you do not have a mask: you may purchase one from us for $5.
2. All clients must adhere to our office policies in regards to late\no-show fees, cancellations, reschedules and also refusal of services. Please feel free to read this information posted near our front desk\checkout area and\or documented in your paperwork for treatment.
3. No guests. Please do not bring family and\or friends to wait for you as you receive treatment. Your guest(s) can wait you in the car or remain at home. Any guest (s) that you bring with you will be asked to leave immediately.
4. Personal Hygiene is important to deter the spread of viruses and disease. Clients must maintain proper personal hygiene with no unpleasant odors.
5. All staff will wear masks when services clients. We will maintain our current standard; which are above the minimum required for sanitation and disinfection.
6. DO NOT arrive more than 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. We cannot allow anyone to sit in our offices for prolonged periods of time unless you are receiving treatment and\or services.
7. We reserve the right to take forehead temperature (whether required by law or due our office policies). We also reserve the right to decline services to anyone with even a slightly elevated temperature and\or indications of illness. We also require you to answer questions pertaining to your determine illness since we don not offer a full medical screening and\or exam.

We appreciate each and everyone of our clients and our goal is to help your reach yours, however, this can't be done unless we make sure we are incorporating the proper protocols to keep everyone safe.

Cancellation Policy

We required 24 hours advance notice for cancellations. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

1. Clients must provide at least 24 hours notice to cancel or change\ to reschedule an appointment. For example: if your appointment is at 6 PM saturday, you have until 6 PM sharp on Friday to cancel or reschedule.

2. In the event of a last-minute cancellation or no show, the client is responsible for 100% cost of the scheduled treatment. No exceptions. If this happens, please know it is not intended to penalize you - this is a part of the agreement you are making with our business to help us protect our ability to serve you and all our clients.

3. Unexpected events like family member illness, work emergencies and travel delays are not exempt from our cancellation policy.

4. Our appointment confirmation and reminder emails and texts are a courtesy. Not receiving these communications doesn't make a last-minute cancellation or no show exempt from our policy. We encourage our clients to set their own reminders.

5.If client is more than 15 minutes late to an appointment without notice, the session is considered cancelled (NO SHOW) and the client is responsible for the total cost of the scheduled service.

6. To schedule an appointment, clients must provide the credit card information to be kept securely on file. If our cancellation policy is not honored, the card on file will be charged accordingly. (100% of scheduled service).